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Colonie Criminal Defense Attorneys

Colonie Criminal Defense Attorneys

Protecting Your Rights in Every Step of Your Case

A skilled criminal defense attorney will do more for you than simply present your case in trial. The legal system is sadly fraught with injustice, and it is essential to have someone who is fighting for you. The legal team of Hacker Murphy will put complete dedication into your case and ensure there is always someone in your corner. For comprehensive representation and compassionate support, get in touch with our firm today.

Call (518) 284-3183 or fill out our contact form to discuss your case with an attorney.

The Impact of Criminal Accusations

Sentencing for crimes depends on a variety of factors. The type of crime, the severity of the crime, the classification of the crime under the law (e.g. if it is considered a misdemeanor or a felony), and an alleged offender’s criminal record can all influence the type of sentence and the length of sentence that a person is subjected to. Depending on all these elements and more, a sentence may include time in prison, fines, community service, and/or probation.

In some cases, a person who has been charged with a crime will be required to attend certain schooling as part of their sentence. For example, the completion of a DWI class is a common penalty for those who have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Additional measures, such as a restraining order or sex offender registration, may be a consequence for some crimes.

The effects of criminal accusations unfortunately do not disappear once you have served your sentence — criminal charges can continue to impact your life for years. With a criminal record, you may have complications with finding a job or pursuing educational opportunities. If you are divorced and have children, your custody arrangement could be affected. Some crimes can impact your driving privileges, ability to own firearms, and other rights.

It is important to have an experienced lawyer who recognizes all the potential results of your situation. At Hacker Murphy, we recognize that your case is complex, and we are dedicated to defending your rights — all of them.

How an Attorney Can Help You

There are significant advantages to hiring your own lawyer, rather than representing yourself or relying on the services of a public defender. An experienced attorney, like those of Hacker Murphy, will have the knowledge to answer your questions and successfully navigate your case. In comparison to a public defender, our lawyers can provide personalized attention that is totally focused on you — public defenders often represent many clients at once, and the details of your case could get lost in the shuffle. Our legal team is prepared to completely dedicate ourselves to fighting for your freedom.

We handle cases involving crimes such as:

  • Assault
  • Bank, identity, mail, and wire fraud
  • Boating while intoxicated
  • Burglary
  • Conspiracy
  • Internet and computer crimes
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Domestic violence
  • Drug charges
  • DWI
  • Federal crimes
  • Felony charges
  • Fraud charges
  • Harassment charges
  • Hate crimes
  • Misdemeanors
  • Petit and grand larceny
  • Sexual assault and sex crimes
  • Vehicular assault and manslaughter
  • Violation charges
  • Violent felony charges
  • White collar crimes

In addition to providing general legal representation and defense, we also can help you move on in the aftermath of your case. Contact us today to learn more.

Discuss the Details of Your Case

We offer free initial consultations. This is an opportunity for you to provide information about your situation and learn more about our firm. Contact us as soon as possible if you are facing criminal charges.

For a free consultation, contact us online or call (518) 284-3183 today.

Have Questions?

  • If I hire an attorney but do not want to go to trial, can I settle?
    In the course of preparing a case for trial, your personal injury attorney will work with the defense attorneys and insurance companies in an effort to secure a fair settlement for you and your family. The final decision to accept an offer of settlement or go to trial is yours alone to make.
    Contact us now to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys.
  • If arrested, what steps can I take on my behalf?

    1. Do not discuss your situation with anyone except your attorney.

    2. Unless your attorney says otherwise, do not discuss your case with law enforcement.

    3. Request to have your attorney present if you are to be put in a lineup or subjected to testing.

    4. Remain calm and courteous. Allow your attorney to speak for you to ensure that your rights are protected and you are given all the benefits afforded to you under the law.
    Contact us now to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys.

  • What is the difference between criminal procedure and civil procedure?
    When a crime has been committed, action is taken by a government agency against the person, persons, organization or other entity that violated the law. The first purpose of a criminal prosecution is punishment, which frequently consists of a fine or jail time. In a civil matter, the dispute is between two or more individuals or entities. The first purpose of a civil prosecution is obtaining compensation for the wronged person or entity. Settlement in a civil matter is generally an award of a money judgment. A criminal sentence is not imposed in a civil matter.
    Contact us now to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys.